2001-01-09 -+- Paul -+- -+- A good description of multicast addresses and useful example code which can be used as the basis for any project using multicasting. 2001-03-14 -+- martin -+- sword_guo@chinaren.com -+- I think there have some clerical error about example in the article:
client source code and server source code should exchange there postion,
doesn't it? 2001-08-21 -+- Zaphod Beeblebrox -+- -+- > if (sendto(s, buf, strlen(buf), 0,
> (struct sockaddr *)&srv, sizeof(srv)) < 0) {
> perror("recvfrom");
> }

It took 20 seconds to find that typo.
Please, check any code before posting it.
2001-10-04 -+- Jim Nguyen -+- ndd@fiacom.com -+- Your documents are very useful. I did not know anything about IGMP before reading your document. Could you correct me if the following are wrong.

Is the term IMGP proxy is the same as IMGP server ?

Is there such thing as IMGPv3 yet ?

Is that true that the main task for a IMGP server is to convert a ClassD client which registered in its pool into the MultCast Physical Addrees before data can be send out ?

Thank You

Jim #2001-11-04 -+- tom -+- jz263@163.com -+- i need proxy addesre #2004-08-10 -+- يهاثا -+- يسيي -+- يفثفقبلبللقلباررؤاااشرؤايلبغغثخصغغثثثللقققلبث -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98) #2006-11-25 -+- syaprizal -+- syaprizal_12@yahoo.com -+- i would like to know how sothat i can understand about linux and lan
-+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)