/* * qlo10k1 - GUI frontend for ld10k1 * * Copyright (c) 2004 by Peter Zubaj * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include "strglobal.h" #include "strparam.h" #include "ld10k1file.h" class CardParamPrivate { public: liblo10k1_connection_t card_conn; liblo10k1_connection_t *conn() { return &card_conn; } }; CardParam::CardParam(void) { prv = new CardParamPrivate(); liblo10k1_connection_init(prv->conn()); Structure = NULL; } CardParam::~CardParam(void) { disconnect(); if (Structure) delete Structure; delete prv; } StrGlobal *CardParam::getStructure() { Structure = new StrGlobal(this); return Structure; } int CardParam::disconnect(void) { if (liblo10k1_is_open(prv->conn())) return liblo10k1_disconnect(prv->conn()); return 0; } int CardParam::isConnected(void) { return liblo10k1_is_open(prv->conn()); } int CardParam::clearDSP(void) { return liblo10k1_dsp_init(prv->conn()); } int CardParam::testConnection(void) { int err = connect(); if (err < 0) return err; disconnect(); return 0; } int CardParam::connect(void) { int err; if (liblo10k1_is_open(prv->conn())) disconnect(); liblo10k1_param params; const char *tmp = NULL; tmp = CardSocket; params.wfc = 500; // FIXME - user selectable params.type = COMM_TYPE_LOCAL; // FIXME params.server = 0; params.name = (char *)tmp; params.port = 0; if ((err = liblo10k1_connect(¶ms, prv->conn())) < 0) return err; return liblo10k1_check_version(prv->conn()); } int CardParam::load(LD10k1File *ld10k1file, int before, int *loaded, int *loaded_id) { int err; liblo10k1_dsp_patch_t *patch = ld10k1file->getLD10k1Format(); err = liblo10k1_patch_load(prv->conn(), patch, before, loaded, loaded_id); return err; } int CardParam::unload(int num) { return liblo10k1_patch_unload(prv->conn(), num); } int CardParam::get(int patch_num, LD10k1File **ld10k1file) { liblo10k1_dsp_patch_t *patch; int err; if ((err = liblo10k1_patch_get(prv->conn(), patch_num, &patch)) < 0) return err; LD10k1File *tmp = new LD10k1File(); tmp->setLD10k1Format(patch); *ld10k1file = tmp; return 0; } int CardParam::conAdd(bool multi, bool simple, int from_type, int from_patch, int from_io, int to_type,int to_patch, int to_io, int *id) { return liblo10k1_con_add(prv->conn(), multi, simple, from_type, from_patch, from_io, to_type, to_patch, to_io, id); } int CardParam::conDel(int from_type, int from_patch, int from_io, int *id) { return liblo10k1_con_del(prv->conn(), from_type, from_patch, from_io, id); } int CardParam::getPointsInfo(int **out, int *count) { return liblo10k1_get_points_info(prv->conn(), out, count); } int CardParam::getPointInfo(int point_id, CardParamPointInfo *out) { int err; liblo10k1_point_info_t pi; if ((err = liblo10k1_get_point_info(prv->conn(), point_id, &pi)) < 0) return err; out->id = pi.id; out->type = pi.type; out->io_idx = pi.io_idx; out->simple = pi.simple; out->multi = pi.multi; out->conn_count = pi.conn_count; for (int i = 0; i < POINTINFO_MAX_CONN_PER_POINT; i++) { out->io_type[i] = pi.io_type[i]; out->patch[i] = pi.patch[i]; out->io[i] = pi.io[i]; } return 0; } QString CardParam::errorStr(int err) { return QString(liblo10k1_error_str(err)); } CardParam::CardParam(CardParam *from) { prv = new CardParamPrivate(); liblo10k1_connection_init(prv->conn()); CardName = from->CardName; CardSocket = from->CardSocket; }; int CardParam::getFXCount(int *cnt) { return liblo10k1_get_fx_count(prv->conn(), cnt); } int CardParam::getInputCount(int *cnt) { return liblo10k1_get_in_count(prv->conn(), cnt); } int CardParam::getOutputCount(int *cnt) { return liblo10k1_get_out_count(prv->conn(), cnt); } int CardParam::getFX(int i, QString &name) { liblo10k1_get_io_t ld_tmp; int err = 0; if ((err = liblo10k1_get_fx(prv->conn(), i, &ld_tmp)) < 0) return err; name = ld_tmp.name; return 0; } int CardParam::getInput(int i, QString &name) { liblo10k1_get_io_t ld_tmp; int err = 0; if ((err = liblo10k1_get_in(prv->conn(), i, &ld_tmp)) < 0) return err; name = ld_tmp.name; return 0; } int CardParam::getOutput(int i, QString &name) { liblo10k1_get_io_t ld_tmp; int err = 0; if ((err = liblo10k1_get_out(prv->conn(), i, &ld_tmp)) < 0) return err; name = ld_tmp.name; return 0; } int CardParam::getPInputCount(int pnum, int *cnt) { return liblo10k1_get_pin_count(prv->conn(), pnum, cnt); } int CardParam::getPOutputCount(int pnum, int *cnt) { return liblo10k1_get_pout_count(prv->conn(), pnum, cnt); } int CardParam::getPInput(int pnum, int i, QString &name) { liblo10k1_get_io_t ld_tmp; int err = 0; if ((err = liblo10k1_get_pin(prv->conn(), pnum, i, &ld_tmp)) < 0) return err; name = ld_tmp.name; return 0; } int CardParam::getPOutput(int pnum, int i, QString &name) { liblo10k1_get_io_t ld_tmp; int err = 0; if ((err = liblo10k1_get_pout(prv->conn(), pnum, i, &ld_tmp)) < 0) return err; name = ld_tmp.name; return 0; } int CardParam::getPatchesInfo(CardParamPatchInfo ***pi, int *cnt) { liblo10k1_patches_info_t *ld_patches; int err; CardParamPatchInfo **tmppi = NULL; *pi = NULL; if ((err = liblo10k1_get_patches_info(prv->conn(), &ld_patches, cnt)) < 0) return err; tmppi = new CardParamPatchInfo *[*cnt]; for (int i = 0; i < *cnt; i++) { tmppi[i] = new CardParamPatchInfo(); tmppi[i]->patch_num = ld_patches[i].patch_num; tmppi[i]->id = ld_patches[i].id; tmppi[i]->patch_name = ld_patches[i].patch_name; } free(ld_patches); *pi = tmppi; return 0; } int CardParam::getDspConfig(LD10k1DspFile **dc) { liblo10k1_file_dsp_setup_t *ds = NULL; int err; if ((err = liblo10k1lf_get_dsp_config(prv->conn(), &ds)) < 0) return err; LD10k1DspFile *ldc = new LD10k1DspFile(); ldc->setLD10k1DspFormat(ds); *dc = ldc; return 0; } int CardParam::putDspConfig(LD10k1DspFile *dc) { return liblo10k1lf_put_dsp_config(prv->conn(), dc->getLD10k1DspFormat()); }