/* * qlo10k1 - GUI frontend for ld10k1 * * Copyright (c) 2004 by Peter Zubaj * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include #include "app_global.h" #include "routingwidget.h" #include "structure_io.h" #include "structure_link.h" #include "newiodialog.h" #include "loadpatchdialog.h" #include "transformpatchdialog.h" extern QString gLastFileDir; RSItemBaseWithType *RoutingWidget::createNewIO(EditMode em) { // show io dialog NewIODlg::DlgType t = NewIODlg::FX; switch (em) { case FX: t = NewIODlg::FX; break; case In: t = NewIODlg::In; break; case Out: t = NewIODlg::Out; break; default: break; } NewIODlg d(structure, t); int err; err = d.init(); if(err < 0) { QMessageBox::critical(0, APP_NAME, QString("Error creating new IO dialog\n(ld10k1 error:%1)").arg(structure->errorStr(err))); return NULL; } if (d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) return d.getNewIO(); else return NULL; } RSItemBaseWithType *RoutingWidget::createNewPatch() { QFileDialog *fd = new QFileDialog(this, "file dialog", TRUE); fd->setMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile); QStringList filterlist; filterlist << QString( "as10k1 Patch files (*.bin *.as10k1 *.emu10k1)" ); filterlist << QString( "ld10k1 Native effect files (*.ld10k1)" ); filterlist << QString( "All Files (*)" ); QString filters = filterlist.join( ";;" ); fd->setFilters( filters ); fd->setDir(gLastFileDir); fd->setCaption("Load patch"); StrPatch *loaded = NULL; int err; QString fileName; if ( fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { fileName = fd->selectedFile(); gLastFileDir = fd->dirPath(); delete fd; LD10k1File *ldfile = NULL; if ((err = LD10k1File::LoadFromFile(fileName, &ldfile)) < 0) { EMU10k1File *emufile = NULL; if ((err = EMU10k1File::LoadFromFile(fileName, &emufile)) < 0) { QMessageBox::critical(0, APP_NAME, QString("Couldn't load patch\n(ld10k1 error:%1)").arg(structure->errorStr(err))); return NULL; } else { TransformPatchDlg d(fileName, emufile); if (d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { if ((err = d.transformFile(&ldfile)) < 0) { QMessageBox::critical(0, APP_NAME, QString("Couldn't transform patch\n(ld10k1 error:%1)").arg(structure->errorStr(err))); delete emufile; return NULL; } delete emufile; } else { delete emufile; return NULL; } } } LoadPatchDlg d(structure, fileName, ldfile); if (d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { // and now convert to loader StrPatch *loaded = NULL; if ((err = structure->load(ldfile, d.whereLoad(), &loaded)) < 0) { QMessageBox::critical(0, APP_NAME, QString("Couldn't load patch\n(ld10k1 error:%1)").arg(structure->errorStr(err))); delete ldfile; return NULL; } else { loaded->calcSize(); loaded->updateContents(this->drawing, getZoomLevel()); } } delete ldfile; } return loaded; } void RoutingWidget::startLinkDrag(int xp, int yp) { // find patch under - only on patch can start drag RSItemBaseWithType *item = NULL; for(item = structure->UsedItems.first(); item; item = structure->UsedItems.next()) { if (item->containsPoint(xp, yp) && item->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::Patch) { // I have patch - find io RSItemIO *pio = ((StrPatch *)item)->getIOAtPoint(xp, yp); if (pio) { drawing->startLinkDrag(pio, xp, yp); return; } } } } void RoutingDrawWidget::connectLinkDrag(int xp, int yp, int mxp, int myp) { RoutingWidget *parent = (RoutingWidget *)parentWidget(); StrGlobal *structure = parent->getStructure(); if (!structure) return; RSItemBaseWithType *item = NULL; for(item = structure->UsedItems.first(); item; item = structure->UsedItems.next()) { if (item->containsPoint(xp, yp)) { // I have patch - find io RSItemIO *pio = NULL; if (item->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::Patch) pio = ((StrPatch *)item)->getIOAtPoint(xp, yp); else if (item->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::In) pio = ((StrInput *)item)->getIO(true, 0); else if (item->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::Out) pio = ((StrInput *)item)->getIO(false, 0); else if (item->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::FX) pio = ((StrFX *)item)->getIO(true, 0); if (pio) { // check if connecting in to out or out to in if (pio->isOutput() != linkStart->isOutput()) { if (pio->getConnectedTo() == linkStart->getConnectedTo() && pio->getConnectedTo() && linkStart->getConnectedTo()) return; if (pio->getOwner() == linkStart->getOwner()) return; QPopupMenu *contextMenu = new QPopupMenu(); enum Action {Normal, SimpleMulti, Simple, Multi}; contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&Normal"), Normal); contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&Multi"), Multi); if (((RSItemBaseWithType *)pio->getOwner())->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::Patch) contextMenu->insertItem(tr("S&imple"), Simple); contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&Simple + Multi"), SimpleMulti); int id = contextMenu->exec(QPoint(mxp, myp)); if (id < 0) return; int conn_id; int err; QValueList actIds; actIds.clear(); StrLink *linkTo = pio->getConnectedTo(); if (linkTo && actIds.findIndex(linkTo->id()) < 0) actIds.append(linkTo->id()); StrLink *linkFrom = linkStart->getConnectedTo(); if (linkFrom && actIds.findIndex(linkFrom->id()) < 0) actIds.append(linkFrom->id()); if (id == Normal && linkTo && ((RSItemBaseWithType *)pio->getOwner())->type() != RSItemBaseWithType::Patch) { if ((err = structure->deleteOneLink(linkTo)) < 0) QMessageBox::critical(0, APP_NAME, QString("Couldn't disconnect !\n(ld10k1 error:%1)").arg(structure->errorStr(err))); } if ((err = structure->conAdd(id != Simple && id != Normal, id != Multi && id != Normal, linkStart, pio, &conn_id)) < 0) QMessageBox::critical(0, APP_NAME, QString("Couldn't connect !\n(ld10k1 error:%1)").arg(structure->errorStr(err))); else { if (actIds.findIndex(conn_id) < 0) actIds.append(conn_id); if (linkFrom) linkFrom->updateContents(this, parent->getZoomLevel()); if (linkTo) linkTo->updateContents(this, parent->getZoomLevel()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < actIds.count(); i++) { StrLink *link = NULL; int aid = actIds[i]; if ((err = structure->actualizeLink(aid, &link)) < 0 && aid == conn_id) QMessageBox::critical(0, APP_NAME, QString("Couldn't actualize link !\n(ld10k1 error:%1)").arg(structure->errorStr(err))); if (link) { if (!link->isValid()) structure->destroyLink(link); else { //wasn't error link->calcSize(); link->updateContents(this, parent->getZoomLevel()); } } } stopLinkDrag(); //parent->modeNormalClicked(); } delete contextMenu; return; } return; } } } } void RoutingDrawWidget::deleteAllSelected() { // through all selected RoutingWidget *parent = (RoutingWidget *)parentWidget(); StrGlobal *structure = parent->getStructure(); int err; if (!structure) return; if ((err = structure->deleteAllSelected()) < 0) QMessageBox::critical(0, APP_NAME, QString("Couldn't delete selected items !\n(ld10k1 error:%1)").arg(structure->errorStr(err))); this->updateContents(); }