/* * qlo10k1 - GUI frontend for ld10k1 * * Copyright (c) 2004 by Peter Zubaj * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include #include "app_global.h" #include "routingwidget.h" #include "structure.h" #include "structure_io.h" #include "structure_link.h" #include "structure_patch.h" #include "strglobal.h" #include "ld10k1file.h" extern QString gLastFileDir; void RoutingWidget::openObjectMenuAt(RSItemBaseWithType *item, MenuMode mm, int xp, int yp, int mxp, int myp) { QPopupMenu *contextMenu = new QPopupMenu(); enum Action {Refresh, ClearDSP, Delete, Rename, Disconnect, DelPoint, AddPoint, Connect, Save}; int rn = -1; if (mm == MenuNone) { contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&Refresh"), Refresh); //contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&AutoArange")/*, this, SLOT(menuQuitActivated(int))*/); contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&Clear DSP"), ClearDSP); } else if (mm == MenuObjects) { contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&Delete (Unload)"), Delete); } else if (mm == MenuIO) { //contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&Rename"), Rename); bool isConnected = false; if (item->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::Out) isConnected = item->getIO(false, 0)->getConnectedTo() != NULL; else isConnected = item->getIO(true, 0)->getConnectedTo() != NULL; if (isConnected) contextMenu->insertItem(tr("D&isconnect"), Disconnect); contextMenu->insertSeparator(); contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&Delete"), Delete); } else if (mm == MenuLink) { int pn = item->getHandlePointNum(xp, yp); if (pn > 0) contextMenu->insertItem(tr("D&elete point"), DelPoint); else if (pn < 0) contextMenu->insertItem(tr("A&dd point"), AddPoint); if (item->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::Link) { StrLink *lnk = (StrLink *)item; rn = lnk->getRouteNumFromPoint(xp, yp); if(rn >= 0) { RSItemIO *io = NULL; RSItemBaseWithType *own = NULL; io = lnk->getRoutePoint(rn); if(io) { own = (RSItemBaseWithType*)io->getOwner(); if(own && (own->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::Patch)) contextMenu->insertItem(tr("D&isconnect"), Disconnect); } } } contextMenu->insertSeparator(); contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&Delete"), Delete); } else if (mm == MenuPatch) { //contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&Rename"), Rename); RSItemIO *io = item->getIOAtPoint(xp, yp); if (io) { //contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&IO Rename"), Rename); if (io->getConnectedTo()) contextMenu->insertItem(tr("D&isconnect"), Disconnect); else contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&Connect"), Connect); } else contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&Save"), Save); contextMenu->insertSeparator(); contextMenu->insertItem(tr("&Unload"), Delete); } int id = contextMenu->exec(QPoint(mxp, myp)); delete contextMenu; if (id < 0) return; if (id == AddPoint) { StrLink *l = (StrLink *)item; if (l->addSegmentPoint(xp, yp)) { l->updateContents(drawing, getZoomLevel()); } } else if (id == DelPoint) { StrLink *l = (StrLink *)item; // FIXME - update before del l->updateContents(drawing, getZoomLevel()); l->delSegmentPoint(l->getHandlePointNum(xp, yp)); l->calcSize(); } else if (id == Delete) { drawing->deleteAllSelected(); structure->loadFromLD(); } else if (id == Connect) { StrPatch *p = (StrPatch *)item; RSItemIO *pio = p->getIOAtPoint(xp, yp); if (pio) drawing->startLinkDrag(pio, xp, yp); } else if (id == Disconnect) { RSItemIO *io = NULL; if (item->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::Patch) { int err; StrPatch *p = (StrPatch *)item; io = p->getIOAtPoint(xp, yp); StrLink *l = io->getConnectedTo(); // FIXME - update before disconnect l->updateContents(drawing, getZoomLevel()); if ((err = structure->disconnectFromLink(io)) < 0) QMessageBox::critical(0, APP_NAME, QString("Couldn't disconnect !\n(ld10k1 error:%1)").arg(structure->errorStr(err))); } else { if (item->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::In) { StrInput *in = (StrInput *)item; io = in->getIO(true, 0); } else if (item->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::Out) { StrOutput *out = (StrOutput *)item; io = out->getIO(false, 0); } else if (item->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::FX) { StrFX *fx = (StrFX *)item; io = fx->getIO(true, 0); } if(io) { StrLink *l = io->getConnectedTo(); structure->deleteOneLink(l); structure->loadFromLD(); drawing->updateContents(); } else if (item->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::Link) { StrLink *lnk = (StrLink *)item; if(rn >= 0) { io = lnk->getRoutePoint(rn); if(io) { RSItemBaseWithType *own = NULL; own = (RSItemBaseWithType*)io->getOwner(); if(own && (own->type() == RSItemBaseWithType::Patch)) { int err; if ((err = structure->disconnectFromLink(io)) < 0) QMessageBox::critical(0, APP_NAME, QString("Couldn't disconnect !\n(ld10k1 error:%1)").arg(structure->errorStr(err))); drawing->updateContents(); } } } } } } else if (id == ClearDSP) { structure->clearDSP(); drawing->updateContents(); } else if (id == Refresh) { structure->loadFromLD(); drawing->updateContents(); } else if (id == Save) { StrPatch *p = (StrPatch *)item; int err; QFileDialog *fd = new QFileDialog(this, "file dialog", TRUE); fd->setMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile); fd->setFilter("ld10k1 Native effect files (*.ld10k1)"); fd->setCaption("Save patch"); fd->setDir(gLastFileDir); QString fileName; if (fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { fileName = fd->selectedFile(); gLastFileDir = fd->dirPath(); delete fd; if (!fileName.endsWith(".ld10k1")) fileName += ".ld10k1"; if (QFile::exists(fileName)) { if (QMessageBox::question(0, APP_NAME, QString("File with name %1 exists. Overwrite ?").arg(fileName), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::Cancel) != QMessageBox::Yes) return; } LD10k1File *pf = NULL; if ((err = structure->get(p->num(), &pf)) < 0) { QMessageBox::critical(0, APP_NAME, QString("Couldn't get patch !\n(ld10k1 error:%1)").arg(structure->errorStr(err))); return; } if ((err = pf->SaveToFile(fileName)) < 0) QMessageBox::critical(0, APP_NAME, QString("Couldn't save patch\n(ld10k1 error:%1)").arg(structure->errorStr(err))); delete pf; } else delete fd; } }