/* * EMU10k1 loader * * Copyright (c) 2003,2004 by Peter Zubaj * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "version.h" #include "comm.h" #include "ld10k1_fnc.h" #include "ld10k1_error.h" #include "ld10k1_debug.h" #include "liblo10k1.h" #include "liblo10k1ef.h" #include "liblo10k1lf.h" char comm_pipe[256]; liblo10k1_connection_t conn; static void error(const char *fmt,...) { va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); fprintf(stderr, "Error: "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, va); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); va_end(va); } static void help(char *command) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-options]\n" "\nAvailable options:\n" " -h, --help this help\n" " -p, --pipe_name connect to this, default = /tmp/.ld10k1_port\n" " -l, --list dump lkoaded patch\n" " -i, --info print some info\n" " -s, --setup setup DSP\n" " -a, --add load patch\n" " -d, --del unload patch\n" " -q, --conadd connect 2 patches\n" " -w, --condel delete connection\n" " --debug print debug information\n" " -n, --defionames define default in/out names for loaded patch\n" " --ctrl modify control parameters for loaded patch\n" " --patch_name load patch with this name\n" " --where insert patch before\n" " --renam rename patch, input, output, fx, patch input, patch output\n" " --dump dump DSP setup to file, can by loaded by dl10k1\n" " --host lo10k1 uses network socket instead of named socked (host,port)\n" " -P, --path include path\n" " --store store DSP setup\n" " --restore restore DSP setup\n" , command); } typedef struct tag_path_info { char *path; struct tag_path_info *next; } path_t; path_t *first_path; path_t *last_path; static void add_path(char *path) { path_t *path_info = malloc(sizeof(path_t)); path_info->path = strdup(path); path_info->next = NULL; if (last_path) last_path->next = path_info; last_path = path_info; if (!first_path) first_path = path_info; } static void add_paths(char *paths) { char *str = strdup(paths); char *path = strtok(str, ":"); while (path) { add_path(path); path = strtok(NULL, ":"); } free (str); } static void free_all_paths() { path_t *path_info = first_path; path_t *path_info_n = NULL; while (path_info) { path_info_n = path_info->next; free(path_info); path_info = path_info_n; } } static liblo10k1_emu_patch_t *try_patch(char *file_name) { int en; liblo10k1_emu_patch_t *p = NULL; if ((en = liblo10k1_emu_load_patch(file_name, &p)) < 0) return NULL; return p; } static liblo10k1_emu_patch_t *open_patch(char *file_name) { liblo10k1_emu_patch_t *patch; path_t *path_info = first_path; patch = try_patch(file_name); if (patch) return patch; while (path_info) { char path[256]; /* FIXME */ memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); snprintf(path, sizeof(path)-1, "%s/%s", path_info->path, file_name); patch = try_patch(path); if (patch) { return patch; } snprintf(path, sizeof(path)-1, "%s/%s.emu10k1", path_info->path, file_name); patch = try_patch(path); if (patch) { return patch; } path_info = path_info->next; } return NULL; } static int load_patch(char *file_name, liblo10k1_emu_patch_t **p) { liblo10k1_emu_patch_t *patch; if (!(patch = open_patch(file_name))) { error("unable to load patch %s", file_name); return 1; } *p = patch; return 0; } static char get_str(char **str, char *out, int maxlen, char *sep, int isnum) { char ch = **str; char *tmpsep; int len = 0; int found = 0; *out = '\0'; if (ch == '\0') return ch; len = 0; while (**str && len < maxlen) { found = 0; ch = **str; for (tmpsep = sep; *tmpsep; tmpsep++) { if (ch == *tmpsep) { found = 1; break; } } if (found) break; if (isnum && !isdigit(ch)) break; *out++ = *(*str)++; len++; } *out = '\0'; return ch; } static int transfer_patch(int udin, char *ctrl_opt, liblo10k1_emu_patch_t *ep, liblo10k1_dsp_patch_t **p) { int i, j, k; char ctrl_from_concate[16][32][MAX_NAME_LEN]; /* max 32 ctrl to 1 and max 16 of this*/ char ctrl_to_concate[16][MAX_NAME_LEN]; int ctrl_to_concate_count; int ctrl_from_count[16]; char ctrl_visible[16][MAX_NAME_LEN]; char ctrl_visible_max[16]; unsigned char ctrl_visible_count; char ctrl_translate[16][MAX_NAME_LEN]; char ctrl_translate_type[16]; unsigned char ctrl_translate_count; char ctrl_index[16][MAX_NAME_LEN]; int ctrl_index_val[16]; unsigned char ctrl_index_count; char ctrl_values[16][MAX_NAME_LEN]; int ctrl_values_val[16][32]; unsigned char ctrl_values_cnt[16]; unsigned char ctrl_values_count; char *tmp_str; char *tmp_num; char tmp_num_str[20]; char sep; liblo10k1_ctl_transform_t *tctl; int ctl_idx; liblo10k1_dsp_patch_t *np = NULL; ctrl_to_concate_count = 0; ctrl_visible_count = 0; ctrl_translate_count = 0; ctrl_index_count = 0; ctrl_values_count = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { ctrl_from_count[i] = 0; ctrl_to_concate[i][0] = '\0'; ctrl_visible[i][0] = '\0'; ctrl_visible_max[i] = 1; ctrl_translate[i][0] = '\0'; ctrl_translate_type[i] = 1; ctrl_index[i][0] = '\0'; ctrl_index_val[i] = -1; ctrl_values[i][0] = '\0'; ctrl_values_cnt[i] = 0; for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) { ctrl_from_concate[i][j][0] = '\0'; ctrl_values_val[i][j] = 0; } } /* parse ctrl opt */ /* TODO - check for name boundary */ while (ctrl_opt && *ctrl_opt) { switch (*ctrl_opt++) { case 'c': if (*ctrl_opt++ != '-') { error("wrong ctrl option format (c) - waiting -"); return 1; } while (1) { tmp_str = ctrl_from_concate[ctrl_to_concate_count][ctrl_from_count[ctrl_to_concate_count]]; sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_str, MAX_NAME_LEN, ",:", 0); if (strlen(ctrl_from_concate[ctrl_to_concate_count][ctrl_from_count[ctrl_to_concate_count]]) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (c) - wrong source ctrl name"); return 1; } ctrl_from_count[ctrl_to_concate_count]++; if (sep == ':') { ctrl_opt++; break; } if (sep != ',') { error("wrong ctrl option format (c) - wrong separator - waiting , %c", sep); return 1; } ctrl_opt++; } tmp_str = ctrl_to_concate[ctrl_to_concate_count]; /* next is new ctrl name */ sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_str, MAX_NAME_LEN, ",", 0); if (strlen(ctrl_to_concate[ctrl_to_concate_count]) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (c) - wrong target ctrl name"); return 1; } ctrl_to_concate_count++; break; case 'v': if (*ctrl_opt++ != '-') { error("wrong ctrl option format (v) - waiting -"); return 1; } while (1) { tmp_str = ctrl_visible[ctrl_visible_count]; sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_str, MAX_NAME_LEN, ":", 0); if (strlen(ctrl_visible[ctrl_visible_count]) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (v) - wrong ctrl name"); return 1; } if (sep == ':') { ctrl_opt++; break; } ctrl_opt++; } tmp_num = tmp_num_str; /* next is new ctrl name */ sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_num, 10, ",", 1); if (strlen(tmp_num_str) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (v) - wrong vcount count"); return 1; } ctrl_visible_max[ctrl_visible_count] = atoi(tmp_num_str); ctrl_visible_count++; break; case 't': if (*ctrl_opt++ != '-') { error("wrong ctrl option format (t) - waiting -"); return 1; } while (1) { tmp_str = ctrl_translate[ctrl_translate_count]; sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_str, MAX_NAME_LEN, ":", 0); if (strlen(ctrl_translate[ctrl_translate_count]) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (t) - wrong ctrl name"); return 1; } if (sep == ':') { ctrl_opt++; break; } ctrl_opt++; } tmp_num = tmp_num_str; /* next is new ctrl translate */ sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_num, 10, ",", 1); if (strlen(tmp_num_str) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (t) - wrong translation function num"); return 1; } ctrl_translate_type[ctrl_translate_count] = atoi(tmp_num_str); ctrl_translate_count++; break; case 'i': if (*ctrl_opt++ != '-') { error("wrong ctrl option format (i) - waiting -"); return 1; } while (1) { tmp_str = ctrl_index[ctrl_index_count]; sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_str, MAX_NAME_LEN, ":", 0); if (strlen(ctrl_index[ctrl_index_count]) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (i) - wrong ctrl name"); return 1; } if (sep == ':') { ctrl_opt++; break; } ctrl_opt++; } tmp_num = tmp_num_str; /* next is new ctrl index */ sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_num, 10, ",", 1); if (strlen(tmp_num_str) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (i) - wrong index num"); return 1; } ctrl_index_val[ctrl_index_count] = atoi(tmp_num_str); ctrl_index_count++; break; case 's': if (*ctrl_opt++ != '-') { error("wrong ctrl option format (s) - waiting -"); return 1; } while (1) { tmp_str = ctrl_values[ctrl_values_count]; sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_str, MAX_NAME_LEN, ":", 0); if (strlen(ctrl_values[ctrl_values_count]) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (s) - wrong ctrl name"); return 1; } if (sep == ':') { ctrl_opt++; break; } ctrl_opt++; } /* next is new ctrl name */ do { tmp_num = tmp_num_str; sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_num, 10, ",#", 1); if (strlen(tmp_num_str) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (s) - wrong value"); return 1; } ctrl_values_val[ctrl_values_count][ctrl_values_cnt[ctrl_values_count]] = atoi(tmp_num_str); ctrl_values_cnt[ctrl_values_count]++; if (sep != '#') break; ctrl_opt++; } while (1); ctrl_values_count++; break; default: error("wrong ctrl option format - unknown subfunction"); return 1; } if (*ctrl_opt) { if (*ctrl_opt != ',') { error("wrong ctrl option format - wrong separator beetwen subfunctions"); return 1; } else *ctrl_opt++; } } tctl = (liblo10k1_ctl_transform_t *)malloc(sizeof(liblo10k1_ctl_transform_t) * ctrl_to_concate_count); memset(tctl, 0, sizeof(liblo10k1_ctl_transform_t) * ctrl_to_concate_count); for (i = 0; i < ctrl_to_concate_count; i++) { /* find all controls for this ctl */ for (k = 0; k < ctrl_from_count[i]; k++) { for (j = 0; j < ep->ctl_count; j++) { if (strcmp(ctrl_from_concate[i][k], ep->ctls[j].ctl_name) == 0) { tctl[i].emu_ctls[tctl[i].emu_ctl_count++] = j; break; } } } strcpy(tctl[i].ctl_name, ctrl_to_concate[i]); } if (liblo10k1_emu_transform_patch(ep, tctl, ctrl_to_concate_count, &np) < 0) { error("error on liblo10k1_emu_transform_patch"); return 1; } free(tctl); for (i = 0; i < ctrl_visible_count; i++) { ctl_idx = liblo10k1_patch_find_ctl_by_name(np, ctrl_visible[i]); if (ctl_idx < 0) goto err; if (liblo10k1_patch_ctl_set_vcount(np, ctl_idx, ctrl_visible_max[i]) < 0) goto err; } for (i = 0; i < ctrl_translate_count; i++) { ctl_idx = liblo10k1_patch_find_ctl_by_name(np, ctrl_translate[i]); if (ctl_idx < 0) goto err; if (liblo10k1_patch_ctl_set_trans(np, ctl_idx, ctrl_translate_type[i]) < 0) goto err; } for (i = 0; i < ctrl_index_count; i++) { ctl_idx = liblo10k1_patch_find_ctl_by_name(np, ctrl_index[i]); if (ctl_idx < 0) goto err; if (liblo10k1_patch_ctl_set_index(np, ctl_idx, ctrl_index_val[i]) < 0) goto err; } for (i = 0; i < ctrl_values_count; i++) { ctl_idx = liblo10k1_patch_find_ctl_by_name(np, ctrl_values[i]); if (ctl_idx < 0) goto err; for (j = 0; j < ctrl_values_cnt[i]; j++) { if (liblo10k1_patch_ctl_set_value(np, ctl_idx, j, ctrl_values_val[i][j]) < 0) goto err; } } *p = np; return 0; err: if (np) liblo10k1_patch_free(np); return 1; } static int transfer_native_patch(liblo10k1_dsp_patch_t *p, char *ctrl_opt) { unsigned char ctrl_values_count; char tmp_name_from_str[MAX_NAME_LEN]; char tmp_name_to_str[MAX_NAME_LEN]; char *tmp_str; char *tmp_num; char tmp_num_str[20]; char sep; int ctl_idx; /* parse ctrl opt */ /* TODO - check for name boundary */ while (ctrl_opt && *ctrl_opt) { switch (*ctrl_opt++) { case 'r': if (*ctrl_opt++ != '-') { error("wrong ctrl option format (r) - waiting -"); return 1; } while (1) { tmp_str = tmp_name_from_str; sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_str, MAX_NAME_LEN, ",:", 0); if (strlen(tmp_name_from_str) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (r) - wrong source ctrl name"); return 1; } if (sep == ':') { ctrl_opt++; break; } ctrl_opt++; } tmp_str = tmp_name_to_str; /* next is new ctrl name */ sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_str, MAX_NAME_LEN, ",", 0); if (strlen(tmp_name_to_str) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (r) - wrong target ctrl name"); return 1; } ctl_idx = liblo10k1_patch_find_ctl_by_name(p, tmp_name_from_str); if (ctl_idx < 0) { error("unknown ctrl name"); return 1; } strcpy(p->ctl[ctl_idx].name, tmp_name_to_str); break; case 'i': if (*ctrl_opt++ != '-') { error("wrong ctrl option format (i) - waiting -"); return 1; } while (1) { tmp_str = tmp_name_from_str; sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_str, MAX_NAME_LEN, ":", 0); if (strlen(tmp_name_from_str) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (i) - wrong ctrl name"); return 1; } if (sep == ':') { ctrl_opt++; break; } ctrl_opt++; } tmp_num = tmp_num_str; /* next is new ctrl index */ sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_num, 10, ",", 1); if (strlen(tmp_num_str) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (i) - wrong index num"); return 1; } ctl_idx = liblo10k1_patch_find_ctl_by_name(p, tmp_name_from_str); if (ctl_idx < 0) { error("unknown ctrl name"); return 1; } if (liblo10k1_patch_ctl_set_index(p, ctl_idx, atoi(tmp_num_str)) < 0) { error("can not set ctrl index"); return 1; } break; case 's': if (*ctrl_opt++ != '-') { error("wrong ctrl option format (s) - waiting -"); return 1; } while (1) { tmp_str = tmp_name_from_str; sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_str, MAX_NAME_LEN, ":", 0); if (strlen(tmp_name_from_str) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (s) - wrong ctrl name"); return 1; } if (sep == ':') { ctrl_opt++; break; } ctrl_opt++; } ctl_idx = liblo10k1_patch_find_ctl_by_name(p, tmp_name_from_str); if (ctl_idx < 0){ error("unknown ctrl name"); return 1; } /* next is value */ ctrl_values_count = 0; do { tmp_num = tmp_num_str; sep = get_str(&ctrl_opt, tmp_num, 10, ",#", 1); if (strlen(tmp_num_str) == 0) { error("wrong ctrl option format (s) - wrong value"); return 1; } if (liblo10k1_patch_ctl_set_value(p, ctl_idx, ctrl_values_count, atoi(tmp_num_str)) < 0){ error("can not set ctrl value"); return 1; } if (sep != '#') break; ctrl_opt++; ctrl_values_count++; } while (1); break; default: error("wrong ctrl option format - unknown subfunction"); return 1; } if (*ctrl_opt) { if (*ctrl_opt != ',') { error("wrong ctrl option format - wrong separator beetwen subfunctions"); return 1; } else *ctrl_opt++; } } return 0; } static int list_patch(char *file_name) { int err, i, j; liblo10k1_emu_patch_t *p; err = load_patch(file_name, &p); if (err) return err; /* and now print */ printf("Patch name : %s\n", p->patch_name); printf("IN:\n"); for (i = 0; i < p->in_count; i++) printf("%03d: %08x\n", i, p->ins[i]); printf("OUT:\n"); for (i = 0; i < p->out_count; i++) printf("%03d: %08x\n", i, p->outs[i]); printf("DYN:\n"); for (i = 0; i < p->dyn_count; i++) printf("%03d: %08x\n", i, p->dyns[i]); printf("STA:\n"); for (i = 0; i < p->sta_count; i++) printf("%03d: %08x %08x\n", i, p->stas[i].sc, p->stas[i].sc_val); printf("CTRL:\n"); for (i = 0; i < p->ctl_count; i++) printf("%03d: %08x %08x %08x %08x %s\n", i, p->ctls[i].ctl, p->ctls[i].ctl_val, p->ctls[i].ctl_val_min, p->ctls[i].ctl_val_max, p->ctls[i].ctl_name); printf("CON:\n"); for (i = 0; i < p->con_count; i++) printf("%03d: %08x %08x\n", i, p->cons[i].sc, p->cons[i].sc_val); printf("TRAM LOOKUP:\n"); for (i = 0; i < p->tram_lookup_count; i++) { printf("%03d: %08x\n", i, p->tram_lookups[i].size); for (j = 0; j < p->tram_lookups[i].read_line_count; j++) printf(" %03d: %c %03d %08x %08x\n", i, 'R', j, p->tram_lookups[i].read_lines[j].line,p->tram_lookups[i].read_lines[j].line_size); for (j = 0; j < p->tram_lookups[i].write_line_count; j++) printf(" %03d: %c %03d %08x %08x\n", i, 'W', j, p->tram_lookups[i].write_lines[j].line,p->tram_lookups[i].write_lines[j].line_size); } printf("TRAM DELAY:\n"); for (i = 0; i < p->tram_delay_count; i++) { printf("%03d: %08x\n", i, p->tram_delays[i].size); for (j = 0; j < p->tram_delays[i].read_line_count; j++) printf(" %03d: %c %03d %08x %08x\n", i, 'R', j, p->tram_delays[i].read_lines[j].line,p->tram_delays[i].read_lines[j].line_size); for (j = 0; j < p->tram_delays[i].write_line_count; j++) printf(" %03d: %c %03d %08x %08x\n", i, 'W', j, p->tram_delays[i].write_lines[j].line,p->tram_delays[i].write_lines[j].line_size); } printf("INSTR:\n"); for (i = 0; i < p->instr_count; i++) printf("%03d: %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n", i, p->instrs[i].op, p->instrs[i].arg[0], p->instrs[i].arg[1], p->instrs[i].arg[2], p->instrs[i].arg[3]); return 0; } static int add_patch(char *file_name, int udin, char *ctrl_opt, char *opt_patch_name, int where) { int err; liblo10k1_emu_patch_t *ep; liblo10k1_dsp_patch_t *p; err = load_patch(file_name, &ep); if (err) return err; err = transfer_patch(udin, ctrl_opt, ep, &p); if (err) { error("unable to transfer patch"); return err; } if (opt_patch_name) { strncpy(p->patch_name, opt_patch_name, MAX_NAME_LEN - 1); p->patch_name[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = '\0'; } if ((err = liblo10k1_patch_load(&conn, p, where, NULL, NULL)) < 0) { error("unable to load patch (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); return err; } return 0; } static int load_dsp_patch(char *file_name, char *ctrl_opt, char *opt_patch_name, int where) { int err; liblo10k1_dsp_patch_t *p; liblo10k1_file_info_t *fi; fi = NULL; if ((err = liblo10k1lf_load_dsp_patch(&p, file_name, &fi)) < 0) { error("unable to load dsp patch (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); goto err; } err = transfer_native_patch(p, ctrl_opt); if (err) goto err; if (opt_patch_name) { strncpy(p->patch_name, opt_patch_name, MAX_NAME_LEN - 1); p->patch_name[MAX_NAME_LEN - 1] = '\0'; } if ((err = liblo10k1_patch_load(&conn, p, where, NULL, NULL)) < 0) { error("unable to load dsp patch (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); return err; } liblo10k1lf_file_info_free(fi); liblo10k1_patch_free(p); return 0; err: if (fi) liblo10k1lf_file_info_free(fi); if (p) liblo10k1_patch_free(p); return 1; } static int save_dsp_patch(char *file_name, int pn) { int err; liblo10k1_dsp_patch_t *p; liblo10k1_file_info_t *fi; if (pn < 0) { error("wrong patch num"); return 1; } fi = liblo10k1lf_file_info_alloc(); if (!fi) { error("no mem"); goto err; } if ((err = liblo10k1_patch_get(&conn, pn, &p)) < 0) { error("unable to get dsp patch (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); goto err; } fi->creater = strdup("lo10k1 - emu10k1/emu10k2 effect loader for alsa"); if ((err = liblo10k1lf_save_dsp_patch(p, file_name, fi)) < 0) { error("unable to save dsp patch (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); goto err; } liblo10k1lf_file_info_free(fi); liblo10k1_patch_free(p); return 0; err: if (fi) liblo10k1lf_file_info_free(fi); if (p) liblo10k1_patch_free(p); return 1; } void debug_print(char *str) { printf(str); } static int debug(int deb) { int err; if ((err = liblo10k1_debug(&conn, deb, debug_print)) < 0) { error("unable to debug (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); return err; } return 0; } static int del_patch(char *file_name) { int err; if ((err = liblo10k1_patch_unload(&conn, atoi(file_name))) < 0 ) { error("unable to del patch (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); return err; } return 0; } static int setup_dsp() { int err; if ((err = liblo10k1_dsp_init(&conn)) < 0) { error("unable to setup DSP (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); return err; } return 0; } static int is_num(char *str) { int i; for (i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++) if (!isdigit(str[i])) return 0; return 1; } typedef struct { char type; int patch; int io; } conn_info_t; char *parse_connect_sym(char *con_str, char *sym, int *len, int max_len) { *len = 0; while (*len < max_len && *con_str && *con_str != ',' && *con_str != ')') { *sym++ = *con_str++; (*len)++; } *sym++ = '\0'; if (*len == 0) return NULL; return con_str; } char *parse_simple_params(char *con_str, char io_type, int pn, conn_info_t *con_info, int *con_info_count, int max_con_info_count) { char con_arg[255]; int con_arg_len = 0; int io_idx; while(1) { if (*con_info_count >= max_con_info_count) return NULL; if (!(con_str = parse_connect_sym(con_str, con_arg, &con_arg_len, sizeof(con_arg) - 1))) return NULL; if (*con_str != ')' && *con_str != ',') return NULL; /* wrong format */ con_info[*con_info_count].type = io_type; if (is_num(con_arg)) { /* input number */ if (io_type == 'A' || io_type == 'B') { con_info[*con_info_count].patch = pn; con_info[(*con_info_count)++].io = atoi(con_arg); } else { con_info[*con_info_count].patch = -1; con_info[(*con_info_count)++].io = atoi(con_arg); } } else { /* input name */ switch (io_type) { case 'A': if (liblo10k1_find_patch_in(&conn, pn, con_arg, &io_idx) < 0) return NULL; con_info[*con_info_count].patch = pn; con_info[(*con_info_count)++].io = io_idx; break; case 'B': if (liblo10k1_find_patch_out(&conn, pn, con_arg, &io_idx) < 0) return NULL; con_info[*con_info_count].patch = pn; con_info[(*con_info_count)++].io = io_idx; break; case 'F': if (liblo10k1_find_fx(&conn, con_arg, &io_idx) < 0) return NULL; con_info[*con_info_count].patch = -1; con_info[(*con_info_count)++].io = io_idx; break; case 'I': if (liblo10k1_find_in(&conn, con_arg, &io_idx) < 0) return NULL; con_info[*con_info_count].patch = -1; con_info[(*con_info_count)++].io = io_idx; break; case 'O': if (liblo10k1_find_out(&conn, con_arg, &io_idx) < 0) return NULL; con_info[*con_info_count].patch = -1; con_info[(*con_info_count)++].io = io_idx; break; } } if (*con_str != ',') break; con_str++; } return con_str; } char *parse_patch_params(char *con_str, char io_type, conn_info_t *con_info, int *con_info_count, int max_con_info_count) { char con_arg[255]; int con_arg_len = 0; int i; int patch_num = -1; int io_count = 0; if (!(con_str = parse_connect_sym(con_str, con_arg, &con_arg_len, sizeof(con_arg) - 1))) return NULL; if (*con_str != ')' && *con_str != ',') return NULL; if (is_num(con_arg)) /* patch number */ patch_num = atoi(con_arg); else /* patch name - find patch */ if (liblo10k1_find_patch(&conn, con_arg, &patch_num) < 0) return NULL; /* argumenty */ if (*con_str == ',') { con_str++; if (*con_info_count >= max_con_info_count) return NULL; if (!(con_str = parse_simple_params(con_str, io_type, patch_num, con_info, con_info_count, max_con_info_count))) return NULL; } else { /* add all patch inputs or outputs */ if (io_type == 'A') { /* get all inputs */ if (liblo10k1_get_pin_count(&conn, patch_num, &io_count) < 0) return NULL; } else { /* get all outputs */ if (liblo10k1_get_pout_count(&conn, patch_num, &io_count) < 0) return NULL; } i = 0; while (i < io_count) { if (*con_info_count >= max_con_info_count) { return NULL; } con_info[*con_info_count].type = io_type; con_info[*con_info_count].patch = patch_num; con_info[(*con_info_count)++].io = i; i++; } } return con_str; } int parse_connect(int add, char *con_str, int *multi, int *simple, conn_info_t **con_info, int *con_info_count, int max_con_info_count) { char con[10]; int con_len; int ft = 0; while (1) { con_len = 0; for(;*con_str && *con_str != '('; con_str++) { if (con_len >= sizeof(con) - 1) return 1;/* ERROR */ con[con_len++] = *con_str; } con[con_len++] = '\0'; if (*con_str != '(') return 1;/* ERROR */ con_str++; if (ft && strcmp(con,"FX") == 0) { if (!(con_str = parse_simple_params(con_str, 'F', -1, con_info[ft], &(con_info_count[ft]), max_con_info_count))) return 1;/* ERROR */ } else if (ft && strcmp(con,"IN") == 0) { if (!(con_str = parse_simple_params(con_str, 'I', -1, con_info[ft], &(con_info_count[ft]), max_con_info_count))) return 1;/* ERROR */ } else if (ft && strcmp(con,"OUT") == 0) { if (!(con_str = parse_simple_params(con_str, 'O', -1, con_info[ft], &(con_info_count[ft]), max_con_info_count))) return 1;/* ERROR */ } else if (strcmp(con,"PIN") == 0) { if (!(con_str = parse_patch_params(con_str, 'A', con_info[ft], &(con_info_count[ft]), max_con_info_count))) return 1;/* ERROR */ } else if (strcmp(con,"POUT") == 0) { if (!(con_str = parse_patch_params(con_str, 'B', con_info[ft], &(con_info_count[ft]), max_con_info_count))) return 1;/* ERROR */ } else return 1;/* ERROR */ con_str++; if (ft && !*con_str) return 0; /* OK */ if (!add) { if (!*con_str) return 0; else return 1; } if (add && !ft && (*con_str == '=' || *con_str == '>' || *con_str == ':')) { ft++; if (*con_str == '=') { *multi = 0; *simple = 0; } else if (*con_str == ':') { *multi = 0; *simple = 1; } else *multi = 1; } else if (add &&*con_str != '+') return 1;/* ERROR */ /* process next */ con_str++; } } int parse_rename(char *con_str, char *io_type, int *pn, int *io, char **new_name) { char con[10]; int con_len = 0; char con_arg1[255]; int con_arg_len1 = 0; int is_arg_num1 = 0; int arg_num1 = -1; char con_arg2[255]; int con_arg_len2 = 0; int is_arg_num2 = 0; int arg_num2 = -1; for(;*con_str && *con_str != '('; con_str++) { if (con_len >= sizeof(con) - 1) return 1;/* ERROR */ con[con_len++] = *con_str; } con[con_len++] = '\0'; if (*con_str != '(') return 1;/* ERROR */ con_str++; *io_type = '\0'; if (strcmp(con,"FX") == 0) *io_type = 'F'; else if (strcmp(con,"IN") == 0) *io_type = 'I'; else if (strcmp(con,"OUT") == 0) *io_type = 'O'; else if (strcmp(con,"PIN") == 0) *io_type = 'A'; else if (strcmp(con,"POUT") == 0) *io_type = 'B'; else if (strcmp(con,"PATCH") == 0) *io_type = 'P'; else return 1;/* ERROR */ if (!(con_str = parse_connect_sym(con_str, con_arg1, &con_arg_len1, sizeof(con_arg1) - 1))) return 1; if ((is_arg_num1 = is_num(con_arg1))) arg_num1 = atoi(con_arg1); if (*io_type == 'A' || *io_type == 'B') { /* two arguments */ if (*con_str != ',') return 1; /* ERROR */ con_str++; if (!(con_str = parse_connect_sym(con_str, con_arg2, &con_arg_len2, sizeof(con_arg2) - 1))) return 1; if ((is_arg_num2 = is_num(con_arg2))) arg_num2 = atoi(con_arg2); } if (*con_str != ')') return 1; /* ERROR */ switch (*io_type) { case 'A': if (!is_arg_num1) if (liblo10k1_find_patch(&conn, con_arg1, &arg_num1) < 0) return 1; if (!is_arg_num2) if (liblo10k1_find_patch_in(&conn, arg_num1, con_arg2, &arg_num2) < 0) return 1; break; case 'B': if (!is_arg_num1) if (liblo10k1_find_patch(&conn, con_arg1, &arg_num1) < 0) return 1; if (!is_arg_num2) if (liblo10k1_find_patch_out(&conn, arg_num1, con_arg2, &arg_num2) < 0) return 1; break; case 'F': if (!is_arg_num1) if (liblo10k1_find_fx(&conn, con_arg1, &arg_num1) < 0) return 1; break; case 'I': if (!is_arg_num1) if (liblo10k1_find_in(&conn, con_arg1, &arg_num1) < 0) return 1; break; case 'O': if (!is_arg_num1) if (liblo10k1_find_out(&conn, con_arg1, &arg_num1) < 0) return 1; break; case 'P': if (!is_arg_num1) if (liblo10k1_find_patch(&conn, con_arg1, &arg_num1) < 0) return 1; break; } con_str++; if (*con_str != '=') return 1; /* ERROR */ con_str++; if (*io_type == 'A' || *io_type == 'B' || *io_type == 'P') { *pn = arg_num1; *io = arg_num2; } else { *io = arg_num1; } *new_name = con_str; return 0; } static int con_add(char *file_name) { int err, i; int multi = 0; int simple = 0; conn_info_t con_infof[32]; conn_info_t con_infot[32]; conn_info_t *con_info[2] = {con_infof, con_infot}; int con_info_count[2] = {0, 0}; if (parse_connect(1, file_name, &multi, &simple, con_info, con_info_count, 32)) { error("wrong parameter - connection string"); return 1; } if (con_info_count[0] != con_info_count[1]) { error("wrong parameter - connection string from <> to"); return 1; } if (!con_info_count[0]) { error("wrong parameter - connection string"); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < con_info_count[0]; i++) { if ((err = liblo10k1_con_add(&conn, multi, simple, con_infof[i].type, con_infof[i].patch, con_infof[i].io, con_infot[i].type, con_infot[i].patch, con_infot[i].io, NULL)) < 0) { error("unable to connect (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); return err; } } return 0; } static int con_del(char *file_name) { conn_info_t con_info[32]; int err, i; conn_info_t *con_info_p = con_info; int con_info_count = 0; if (parse_connect(0, file_name, NULL, NULL, &con_info_p, &con_info_count, 32)) { error("wrong parameter - disconnection string"); return 1; } if (!con_info_count) { error("wrong parameter - disconnection string"); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < con_info_count; i++) { if ((err = liblo10k1_con_del(&conn, con_info[i].type, con_info[i].patch, con_info[i].io, NULL)) < 0) { error("unable to connect (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); return err; } } return 0; } static int rename_arg(char *arg_name) { char io_type = '\0'; int pn = -1; int io = -1; char *new_name = NULL; if (parse_rename(arg_name, &io_type, &pn, &io, &new_name)) { error("wrong parameter for rename"); return 1; } switch (io_type) { case 'A': if (liblo10k1_rename_patch_in(&conn, pn, io, new_name) < 0) { error("couldn't rename patch in"); return 1; } break; case 'B': if (liblo10k1_rename_patch_out(&conn, pn, io, new_name) < 0) { error("couldn't rename patch out"); return 1; } break; case 'F': if (liblo10k1_rename_fx(&conn, io, new_name) < 0) { error("couldn't rename fx"); return 1; } break; case 'I': if (liblo10k1_rename_in(&conn, io, new_name) < 0) { error("couldn't rename in"); return 1; } break; case 'O': if (liblo10k1_rename_out(&conn, io, new_name) < 0) { error("couldn't rename out"); return 1; } break; case 'P': if (liblo10k1_rename_patch(&conn, pn, new_name) < 0) { error("couldn't rename patch"); return 1; } break; } return 0; } static int dump(char *file_name) { int err; void *dump = NULL; int size = 0; FILE *dump_file = NULL; if ((err = liblo10k1_dump(&conn, &dump, &size)) < 0 ) { error("unable to dump (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); return err; } dump_file = fopen(file_name, "w"); if (!dump_file) { free(dump); error("unable to open dump"); return 1; } if (fwrite(dump, 1, size, dump_file) < size) { free(dump); error("unable to write dump"); return 1; } free(dump); fclose(dump_file); return 0; } static int store_dsp(char *file_name) { int err; liblo10k1_file_dsp_setup_t *setup; liblo10k1_file_info_t *fi; fi = liblo10k1lf_file_info_alloc(); if (!fi) { error("no mem"); goto err; } if ((err = liblo10k1lf_get_dsp_config(&conn, &setup)) < 0) { error("unable to get dsp config (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); goto err; } fi->creater = strdup("lo10k1 - emu10k1/emu10k2 effect loader for alsa"); if ((err = liblo10k1lf_save_dsp_config(setup, file_name, fi)) < 0) { error("unable to store dsp config (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); goto err; } liblo10k1lf_file_info_free(fi); liblo10k1lf_dsp_config_free(setup); return 0; err: if (fi) liblo10k1lf_file_info_free(fi); return 1; } static int restore_dsp(char *file_name) { int err; liblo10k1_file_dsp_setup_t *setup; liblo10k1_file_info_t *fi; fi = NULL; if ((err = liblo10k1lf_load_dsp_config(&setup, file_name, &fi)) < 0) { error("unable to restore dsp config (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); goto err; } if ((err = liblo10k1lf_put_dsp_config(&conn, setup)) < 0) { error("unable to put dsp config (ld10k1 error:%s)", liblo10k1_error_str(err)); goto err; } liblo10k1lf_file_info_free(fi); liblo10k1lf_dsp_config_free(setup); return 0; err: if (fi) liblo10k1lf_file_info_free(fi); return 1; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; int opt_list; int opt_setup; int opt_info; int opt_add; int opt_del; int opt_con_add; int opt_con_del; int opt_debug; char *opt_list_patch; int opt_use_default_io_names; char *opt_ctrl; char *opt_patch_name; char *opt_new_name; int opt_where; int option_index = 0; char *opt_dump_name; char *opt_host; char *tmp = NULL; int opt_store; int opt_restore; char *opt_store_restore_file; int opt_load_patch; int opt_save_patch; unsigned int opt_wait_for_conn; liblo10k1_param params; int err = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { {"pipe_name", 1, 0, 'p'}, {"list", 1, 0, 'l'}, {"info", 0, 0, 'i'}, {"add", 1, 0, 'a'}, {"del", 1, 0, 'd'}, {"conadd", 1, 0, 'q'}, {"condel", 1, 0, 'w'}, {"debug", 1, 0, 0}, {"defionames", 0, 0, 'n'}, {"ctrl", 1, 0, 0}, {"patch_name", 1, 0, 0}, {"where", 1, 0, 0}, {"setup", 1, 0, 's'}, {"renam", 1, 0, 0}, {"dump", 1, 0, 0}, {"host", 1, 0, 0}, {"path", 1, 0, 'P'}, {"store", 1, 0, 0}, {"restore", 1, 0, 0}, {"load_patch", 1, 0, 0}, {"save_patch", 1, 0, 0}, {"wait", 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; opt_list = 0; opt_add = 0; opt_del = 0; opt_list_patch = NULL; opt_info = 0; opt_con_add = 0; opt_con_del = 0; opt_debug = 0; opt_use_default_io_names = 0; opt_ctrl = NULL; opt_patch_name = NULL; opt_new_name = NULL; opt_where = -1; opt_setup = 0; opt_dump_name = NULL; opt_host = NULL; opt_store = 0; opt_restore = 0; opt_store_restore_file = NULL; opt_load_patch = 0; opt_save_patch = 0; opt_wait_for_conn = 500; strcpy(comm_pipe,"/tmp/.ld10k1_port"); if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--help")) { help(argv[0]); return 0; } first_path = NULL; #ifdef EFFECTSDIR add_paths(EFFECTSDIR); #endif while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hil:p:a:d:q:w:nsh:P:", long_options, &option_index)) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 0: if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "debug") == 0) opt_debug = atoi(optarg); else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "ctrl") == 0) opt_ctrl = optarg; else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "patch_name") == 0) opt_patch_name = optarg; else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "where") == 0) opt_where = atoi(optarg); else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "renam") == 0) opt_new_name = optarg; else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "dump") == 0) opt_dump_name = optarg; else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "host") == 0) opt_host = optarg; else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "wait") == 0) { opt_wait_for_conn = atoi(optarg); if (opt_wait_for_conn < 0) opt_wait_for_conn = 0; else if (opt_wait_for_conn > 500) opt_wait_for_conn = 500; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "store") == 0) { opt_store = 1; opt_store_restore_file = optarg; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "restore") == 0) { opt_restore = 1; opt_store_restore_file = optarg; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "load_patch") == 0) { opt_load_patch = 1; opt_store_restore_file = optarg; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "save_patch") == 0) { opt_save_patch = 1; opt_store_restore_file = optarg; } break; case 'h': help(argv[0]); return 0; case 'l': opt_list = 1; opt_list_patch = optarg; break; case 'p': strcpy(comm_pipe, optarg); break; case 'a': opt_add = 1; opt_list_patch = optarg; break; case 'd': opt_del = 1; opt_list_patch = optarg; break; case 'i': opt_info = 1; break; case 'q': opt_con_add = 1; opt_list_patch = optarg; break; case 'w': opt_con_del = 1; opt_list_patch = optarg; break; case 'n': opt_use_default_io_names = 1; break; case 's': opt_setup = 1; break; case 'P': add_path(optarg); break; case '?': break; default: error("unknown option %c", c); return 1; } } params.wfc = opt_wait_for_conn; if (opt_host) { params.type = COMM_TYPE_IP; params.name = strtok(opt_host, ":"); if (!params.name) error("wrong hostname"); tmp = strtok(NULL, ":"); if (!tmp) error("wrong port"); params.port = atoi(tmp); } else { params.type = COMM_TYPE_LOCAL; params.name = comm_pipe; } params.server = 0; while (1) { if ((err = liblo10k1_connect(¶ms, &conn))) { error("unable to connect ld10k1"); break; } if ((err = liblo10k1_check_version(&conn))) { error("Wrong ld10k1 version"); break; } if (opt_store || opt_restore) { if (opt_store) { if ((err = store_dsp(opt_store_restore_file))) break; } else { if ((err = restore_dsp(opt_store_restore_file))) break; } } else { if (opt_setup) if ((err = setup_dsp())) break; if (opt_list) if ((err = list_patch(opt_list_patch))) break; if (opt_add) if ((err = add_patch(opt_list_patch, opt_use_default_io_names, opt_ctrl, opt_patch_name, opt_where))) break; if (opt_load_patch) if ((err = load_dsp_patch(opt_store_restore_file, opt_ctrl, opt_patch_name, opt_where))) break; if (opt_save_patch) if ((err = save_dsp_patch(opt_store_restore_file, opt_where))) break; if (opt_del) if ((err = del_patch(opt_list_patch))) break; if (opt_con_add) if ((err = con_add(opt_list_patch))) break; if (opt_con_del) if ((err = con_del(opt_list_patch))) break; if (opt_debug) if ((err = debug(opt_debug))) break; if (opt_new_name) if ((err = rename_arg(opt_new_name))) break; if (opt_dump_name) if ((err = dump(opt_dump_name))) break; } break; } if (liblo10k1_is_open(&conn)) { /*send_msg(conn_num, FNC_CLOSE_CONN, NULL, 0); free_comm(conn_num);*/ liblo10k1_disconnect(&conn); } free_all_paths(); return err; }