Open Computing ``Hands-On'' Tutorial: January 1994: Listings Listing 1. A minimal Sendmail configuration file is required to test rules. A. Here's, a minimal, do-nothing configuration file: Mlocal, A=X, P=X Mprog, A=X, P=X Do.:%@!^=/[] B. Run version 8 Sendmail in rule-testing mode: % /usr/lib/sendmail -oQ/tmp -bt ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked) Enter
> 0 bob@here rewrite: ruleset 0 input: "bob" "@" "here" rewrite: ruleset 0 returns: "bob" "@" "here" > [Control-D] % [] Listing 2. This example creates a ``demo'' rule set that illustrates a few introductory concepts about rules. A. Your first ``demo'' rule: Mlocal, A=X, P=X Mprog, A=X, P=X Do.:%@!^=/[] S0 Rleft.side new.stuff this is a comment B. Run version 8 Sendmail in rule-testing mode and enter an address. % /usr/lib/sendmail -oQ/tmp -bt ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked) Enter
> 0 bob@here rewrite: ruleset 0 input: "bob" "@" "here" rewrite: ruleset 0 returns: "bob" "@" "here" > [] C. Workspace does match the left-hand side: > 0 left.side rewrite: ruleset 0 input: left . side rewrite: ruleset 0 returns: new . stuff > [] Listing 3. Three new ``demo'' rules. S0 Rx y Ry z Rz a Listing 4. Four new ``demo'' rules. Mlocal, A=X, P=X Mprog, A=X, P=X Do.:%@!^=/[] S0 R@ $@one R@$+ $@two R$+@$+ $@three R$+ $@four ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 1995 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Edited by Becca Thomas / Online Editor / UnixWorld Online / [Go to Content] [Search Editorial] Last Modified: Thursday, 30-Nov-95 16:53:23 PST