#include #include #include #include "psxutil.h" cdsector * cdcache = 0; // geven aan welke indexen gebruikt zijn volatile uchar c_in_use[256]; // hoeveel blokken zijn er in gebruik (c_used - c_freed) ushort c_used = 0, c_freed = 0; // listbase ListBase _c_list = {0, 0}, * c_list = &_c_list; C_File * active_c_file = 0; volatile C_File * urgent_c_file = 0; volatile char c_status[32], c_result[8]; volatile int c_read_sector = 0, c_next_sector = 0, c_retry = 0; #define MAX_RETRY 10 #define CDLREAD CdlReadN void cdreadycallback(uchar , uchar * ); void streaming_stop() { if (CdReadyCallback(0) == cdreadycallback) CdControl(CdlPause, 0, 0); if (active_c_file) { active_c_file->busy = FALSE; active_c_file = 0; } } void c_file_start(C_File * c_file) { CdlLOC cdloc; if (c_file == 0) { guru("c_file_start: c_file = NULL"); return; } if ((int) c_file == -1) { guru("c_file_start: c_file = -1"); return; } if (c_file->index == 0) { guru("c_file_start: c_file->index = NULL"); return; } if (active_c_file) active_c_file->busy = FALSE; c_file->done = FALSE; c_file->busy = TRUE; if (c_file->lastsector > c_file->maxsector) c_file->lastsector = c_file->maxsector; if ((c_file->sectorseek < c_file->firstsector) | (c_file->sectorseek > c_file->lastsector)) c_file->sectorseek = c_file->firstsector; active_c_file = c_file; c_next_sector = active_c_file->start + active_c_file->sectorseek; CdIntToPos (c_next_sector, &cdloc); if (CdControl(CDLREAD, (uchar *) &cdloc, 0) != 1) guru("CdControl"); } void cdreadycallback(uchar status, uchar * result) { ushort c_full; int index, offset; cdheader header; CdlLOC cdloc; if ((active_c_file != 0) && (active_c_file->done == FALSE) && (active_c_file->index != 0)) { // file is nog niet removed en zo switch (status) { case CdlDataReady: // er is een nieuw blok gelezen c_full = c_used - c_freed; if (c_full < 256) { // er is een block vrij: zoeken (dit kan 4 keer zo snel met longs....) for (index = 1; index < 256; index++) { if (c_in_use[index] == FALSE) break; } // lees sector in cache if (index != 256) { CdGetSector(&header, 3); if (CdGetSector(&cdcache[index].data, 512)) { // hier nog controleren of sector de juiste is... c_read_sector = CdPosToInt(&header.cdloc); if (c_read_sector == c_next_sector) { c_retry = 0; offset = c_read_sector - active_c_file->start; if (offset < 0 || offset > active_c_file->maxsector) { guru("Reading wrong sector !!"); } else { // is block al gecached ?? if (active_c_file->index[offset] == 0) { c_used++; c_in_use[index] = TRUE; active_c_file->index[offset] = index; } else { // we gaan springen want dit gedeelte is nog gecached... for (index = offset; index <= active_c_file->lastsector; index++) { if (active_c_file->index[index] == 0) break; } active_c_file->sectorseek = index; if (active_c_file->sectorseek > active_c_file->lastsector) active_c_file->done = TRUE; } if (offset == active_c_file->sectorseek) { // deze sector werd ook verwacht, niemand heeft sectorseek veranderd active_c_file->sectorseek++; if (active_c_file->sectorseek > active_c_file->lastsector) { // dit was de laatste sector. We zijn nu dus klaar. active_c_file->done = TRUE; } else { // is er een belangrijke file waar op gewacht wordt ? if (urgent_c_file == 0) { c_next_sector = active_c_file->start + active_c_file->sectorseek;; // ALLES EINDELIJK HELEMAAL GOED !! return; } } } } } else c_retry++; } else guru("CdGetSector"); } else guru("c_used / c_freed incorrect"); } else { // Hele cache is vol, we proberen het nog een keer // Dit is echter geen disk error c_retry = 0; } break; case CdlDiskError: strcpy((void *) c_status, "CdlDiskError"); break; default: sprintf((void *) c_status, "Unknown: %d", status); break; } } if (active_c_file) { if (active_c_file->done == TRUE) { active_c_file->busy = FALSE; active_c_file = 0; } } if ((active_c_file == 0) || (urgent_c_file != 0)) { // look for new file and start again if (active_c_file) active_c_file->busy = FALSE; if (urgent_c_file) { active_c_file = (void *) urgent_c_file; urgent_c_file = 0; } else { active_c_file = c_list->first; while(active_c_file) { if (active_c_file->done == FALSE) break; active_c_file = active_c_file->next; } } } if (active_c_file == 0) streaming_stop(); else c_file_start(active_c_file); } void stream_exit() { // controleren of er nog een callback is, en die dan netjes stop zetten !! // HOE ? streaming_stop(); // cache sluiten if (cdcache) freeN(cdcache); cdcache = 0; } void stream_init() { unsigned char mode; int i; static int first = TRUE; if (first) { first = FALSE; // guru("stream init"); } strcpy((void *) c_status, "no error"); // eerst alles netjes afsluiten stream_exit(); // double speed: CdlModeSpeed, we lezen sector headers: CdlModeSize1 mode = CdlModeSpeed | CdlModeSize1; CdControlB(CdlSetmode, &mode, 0); // VSync(3) != 3 * VSync(0) VSync(0); VSync(0); VSync(0); VSync(0); // cache openen if (cdcache == 0) cdcache = mallocstructN(cdsector, 256, "cdcache"); if (cdcache == 0) guru("Not enough memory for cdcache !"); // indexen goedzetten c_in_use[0] = TRUE; for (i = 1; i <= 255; i++) c_in_use[i] = FALSE; // variabelen goed zetten c_used = 1; c_freed = 0; } void streaming_start() { C_File * c_file = 0; static int first = TRUE; if (first) { first = FALSE; // guru("streaming start"); } if (is_cd == 0) return; // is er iets te streamen ? if (c_list->first == 0) return; // is init al gedaan ? if (cdcache == 0) stream_init(); if (CdReadyCallback(cdreadycallback) != cdreadycallback) { // streaming was niet (meer) bezig if (urgent_c_file) { c_file = (Stream *) urgent_c_file; urgent_c_file = 0; c_file_start(c_file); return; } else { for (c_file = c_list->first; c_file; c_file = c_file->next) { if (c_file->done == FALSE) { c_file_start(c_file); return; } } } // error CdReadyCallback(0); } } void stream_add(C_File * c_file) { static int first = TRUE; if (first) { first = FALSE; // guru("add_stream"); } if (is_cd == 0) return; if (c_file == 0) { guru("stream_add: c_file = NULL"); return; } if ((int) c_file == -1) { guru("stream_add: c_file = -1"); return; } c_file->done = c_file->busy = 0; // some bounds checks if (c_file->lastsector > c_file->maxsector) c_file->lastsector = c_file->maxsector; if (c_file->firstsector > c_file->lastsector) c_file->firstsector = 0; if (c_file->sectorseek > c_file->lastsector) c_file->sectorseek = c_file->firstsector; if (c_file->sectorseek < c_file->firstsector) c_file->sectorseek = c_file->firstsector; if (c_file->index == NULL) { // nieuwe stroom altijd rewinden c_file->sectorseek = c_file->firstsector; c_file->index = callocN(c_file->maxsector + 1, "c_file->index"); EnterCriticalSection(); addtail(c_list, c_file); ExitCriticalSection(); } streaming_start(); } void stream_remove(C_File * c_file) { int i, index; if (is_cd == 0) return; if (c_file == 0) { guru("stream_remove: c_file = NULL"); return; } if ((int) c_file == -1) { guru("stream_remove: c_file = -1"); return; } if (c_file->index) { EnterCriticalSection(); c_file->done = TRUE; if (c_file == active_c_file) active_c_file = 0; remlink(c_list, c_file); ExitCriticalSection(); for (i = 0; i <= c_file->maxsector; i++) { if (index = c_file->index[i]) { c_in_use[index] = 0; c_freed++; } } freeN(c_file->index); c_file->index = 0; } } void stream_close(C_File * c_file) { int i, index; if (c_file == 0) { guru("stream_close: c_file = NULL"); return; } if ((int) c_file == -1) { guru("stream_close: c_file = -1"); return; } close((int) c_file); } C_File * stream_open(char * name, int flags) { int fd; fd = open(name, flags); if (fd == -1) { printf("stream_open: can not open %s\n", name); } return((C_File *) fd); } void stream_set_minmax(C_File * c_file, int min, int max) { if (is_cd == 0) return; if (c_file == 0) { guru("stream_set_minmax: c_file = NULL"); return; } if ((int) c_file == -1) { guru("stream_set_minmax: c_file = -1"); return; } if (max < min) { int t; t = max; max = min; min = t; } if (min < 0) min = 0; if (min > c_file->maxsector) min = c_file->maxsector; if (max == -1) max = c_file->maxsector; if (max < 0) max = 0; if (max > c_file->maxsector) max = c_file->maxsector; c_file->firstsector = min; c_file->lastsector = max; c_file->done = FALSE; streaming_start(); }